certified YandexDirect partners in 2023

Organizations that have been working under a contract with Yandex for at least 6 months and collaborate with at least 15 advertisers participate in the certification.

Indicators of the quality of advertising

settings on search and in email data  networks. Each reporting period, target KPIs are Using various tools and ad settings options. General indicators of the quality of work with clients. For example, the score is  by the number of clients who leave after 2 months of work, the share of ads that did not pass moderation, the absence of a analytics counter, and other important indicators. Availability of cases, participation in conferences and other active actions to develop the digital services market.

Yandex also takes into account

email data

the agency’s strategy of behavior on the market and can points for unethical behavior.By assigning the agency the status of a partner, Yandex recommends it to the market. Therefore, we are proud of the new status and will do everything possible to confirm it in the future!products, breadcrumbs correspond to the path in the site URL, robots better understand the nesting and purpose

of specific site l’avenir du développement de i’ia : innovations et défis pages.But this does not happen in life, so when developing websites we often use the second option. In addition, it allows us to add products to different categories without duplicating content and violating the nesting of URLs. And so in any matter – continuous compromises and tricks

Some say that pagination cmo email list pages should be and the main category page should be specified as canonical: we don’t create garbage duplicate pages and… well, that’s all, I guess. There are many opinions on how to close pages, here’s an option with deoptimization and indexing: this option already has links from pagination pages to products. And if there is a link to a product inside the site, then this is not a completely lost page for the search engine and there should be no problems.

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