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Nowadays, the rapid advancement of technology requires us to follow every development that exists, especially for the business sector. With the development of technology, the shift in the use of social media has begun to be seen, which was initially only used to communicate and share information between individuals, is now starting to be used as a means and infrastructure in running a business.

Social media marketing is one of the most powerful online marketing in the digital era. This is because almost all internet users have social media where they do their daily activities there. How much influence does social media marketing have for business needs? Read this article until the end.

Understanding Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is a digital marketing strategy that is carried out through social media platforms or social networks. Promotion strategies through social media can use content, either in the form of articles, photos, or videos. In Indonesian itself, social media marketing means social media marketing.

Basically, social media marketing is a strategy that involves copywriting and visuals such as images and videos to create quality content that can sell products.

In practice, social media marketing eff database shop orts are often used in conjunction with other digital marketing efforts. Examples include the use of blogs , emails and others.

Since there are quite a lot of social media platforms, choosing the right platform according to your business is one of the keys to increasing online sales with this marketing strategy.

The Important Role of Social Media Marketing

In the digital era like today, social media has a massive influence on people’s lives. Thus, marketing strategies using social media are considered effective in reaching various potential consumers in Indonesia with various age ranges.

Here are the important roles of social media marketing .

1. Increase Brand Awareness

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Brand awareness is a condition where consumers or potential customers of our business immediately recognize and remember the brand even just by seeing the logo, image, color, or product sample.

Potential customers who initially only glimpse what are some of the responsibilities of an SEO Manager  our products through social media, but because the products are continuously uploaded on social media and seen, people will slowly start to pay attention.

2. Increase User Engagement

As more and more people start to know and pay attention to your brand or product, more and more potential customers can be obtained. Uploading our products or services on social media can also increase communication and interaction with potential consumers.

3. Mapping the Target Market

With the increasing popularity of social media among the public, of course many companies and brands are switching to using social media in marketing their products. Therefore, it will be easier for us to study competitors starting from the marketing strategies used to the product innovations released.

Strategy in Social Media Marketing

Using social media for marketing requires some proper strategies. Here are some social media marketing strategies for beginners.

1. Determine Clear Goals

The first strategy of social media marketing is to determine the goals you want to achieve. The most common goal in doing social media marketing is to increase brand awareness and engagement .

Make sure the goals created are measurable, realistic, relevant, specific, and have a deadline to achieve them. That way, the marketing process carried out through social media can be more focused.

2. Buyer Persona Research

After determining the goals you want to achieve, you must conduct buyer persona research . A buyer persona is a description of the character of the ideal customer you want to target and is semi-fictional.

Conducting buyer persona research can help you understand your customers well. That way, you can influence them to buy the products you sell.

3. Create Unique and Interesting Content

After knowing the needs of the targeted consu bfb directory mers, then you can create content that suits the audience. Create content that can attract customers’ attention and make them interact.

For example, giveaway content or competition content where the winner will get a reward.

Also read: 15 Recommended Digital Marketing Tools That a Digital Marketer Must Master

Social Media That Can Be Utilized

There are many social media platforms available and can be accessed by anyone. However, to implement an effective social media marketing strategy , you must choose the right platform. Because, not all social media have features or places that can help you market your products.

Here are some social media that you can use.

1. Facebook

In marketing purposes, Facebook is used by business people to increase brand awareness using content. In addition, Facebook is also suitable as a platform for placing advertisements on Facebook ads.

2. YouTube

YouTube is the best social media for running video marketing. How could it not be? There are about one billion hours of video watched every day on YouTube. Therefore, many people have created channels on YouTube and regularly upload videos. Starting from product promotion videos, vlogs, reviews, educational videos, and many more.

3. Instagram

For social media marketing purposes , Instagram is suitable as a product catalog displayed in the form of photos on Instagram feeds .

In addition, you can also utilize the comments column or polling and question features as a forum for discussion between customers and the company.

4. Twitter

In terms of social media marketing , Twitter is widely used by companies for Customer Service purposes . This is certainly different from the marketing strategies used on Instagram or Facebook which prioritize content publication.

5. Tiktok

For social media marketing purposes , TikTok is perfect for those of you who want to place advertisements in the form of short videos targeting young people.

6. LinkedIn

LinkedIn can be used as a social media marketing platform that is suitable for businesses operating in the B2B sector.

7. Pinterest

Pinterest, which focuses on photos and visuals, also has its own place among internet users who like beautiful, aesthetic things. Well, you can also use it for social media marketing .

Learn Social Media Marketing at Bootcamp

In order to determine a good social media marketing strategy, you can try to join a social media marketing bootcamp held by several platforms.

Here are some recommendations for social media marketing bootcamps that you can choose from:

1. Binar Academy

Binar Academy is a non-formal educational institution that organizes bootcamp programs to produce digital talents who are competent in their fields. The curriculum implemented by Binar Bootcamp has been certified by Education Alliance Finland (EAF) , a certification institution from Finland (one of the countries with the best education rankings in the world).

Binar Digital Marketing Bootcamp provides the right and effective methods as well as competent and expert mentors in Digital Marketing, so you don’t need to hesitate to join the Binar Academy bootcamp .

More information here .

2. Digital School

At Digital Skola’s digital marketing bootcamp, you will be guided through 3 months of intensive classes with the best portfolio, internship program and career preparation. Here you will learn directly from experts who are practitioners with more than 3 years of experience.

years in the field.

More informati

Social Media Marketing Expert with Danacita

Now it’s easier for you to learn social media marketing with Danacita. Danacita is an educational financing fintech platform that aims to expand access to higher education and training in Indonesia. Including digital marketing training at Binar Academy and Digital Skola.

Danacita provides a bootcamp payment solution in installments for you with alternative installment payments starting from 6 months to 12 months.

The requirements for applying for installments are very easy, you only need to submit several supporting documents such as KTP or identity card, a photo of yourself, and a pay slip or account statement for the last 1 month for those who have a steady income.

However, if you are not working yet, the application documents can use guardian data, such as parents and siblings. In addition, Danacita is also safe, because it is licensed and supervised by OJK.

For more information, pleaseif you want to start applying, you can click via the D

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