4 Stages in Building Brand Awareness that You Need to Know

You need to know the stages in building brand awareness to measure how far your brand is known. By knowing this, you can develop a brand awareness strategy according to your level.

What you do is much more effective and on target. In addition, you can also understand more about your brand and know what needs to be improved or fixed.

Definition of Brand Awareness According to Experts

According to Hubspot, brand awareness can be interpreted as how far people feel familiar with a brand. This is shown by how often they remember or recognize a brand when they want to buy a product or service. In addition, brand awareness can also be interpreted as whether consumers know about the existence of a brand or not.

Meanwhile, according to Kevin Lane Keller, brand awareness is the ability of consumers to recognize a brand in detail to make a purchase. In general, consumers buy more products from brands they have known before.

Stages in Building Brand Awareness

Then, brand awareness also means how much consumers know a brand from the interactions they have or their experiences with the brand. If they often see a brand, consumers may be curious to try it. If consumers like the experience of interac recent mobile phone number list ting with a brand, it is likely that consumers will remember it to use the brand again in the future.

In building brand awareness, the thing to remember is that a brand cannot be immediately attached to the consumer’s memory. It takes a long time and an effective brand awareness strategy so that the brand can be remembered by consumers.

That’s why you need to know the stages in building brand awareness below

Reported from stevenjwilson.com, there are four levels that must be known in brand awareness.

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Brand Recognition
At this stage, consumers have seen a brand and know what it is. Here, consumers identify the brand through the name and logo. So, at this stage, try to have both of these things clearly. The goal is for consumers to know and understand the existence of your brand in the market.

Brand Recall
This stage means when consumers just remember a brand when they want to find a particular product or service. The situation is, consumers are looking for something they need.

Based on his needs, he remembers a brand that retencijski marketing: definicija i bit strategije  can fulfill his needs for products or services. For example, consumers are looking for beauty products. If the brand has reached this stage, consumers will remember your brand as one of the choices to provide the product.

Top of Mind

When it reaches the top of mind level , the brand will always be the first choice to buy. This stage even shows how attached the brand is to a product or service.

In general, consumers will directly remember the brand first to fulfill their needs. For example, when feeling thirsty. Consumers can immediately remember AQUA as a brand that can fulfill their needs.

Brand Preference

This stage is the last stage because consumers only focus or believe in a particular brand. Consumers do not pay attention to other brands because they have made a brand their preference.

So, regardless of what other brands have to offer, consumers have already decided to always use a particular brand. This could be based on trust or comfort in using a brand. Therefore, consumers always make repeat purchases of that brand.

From the stages above, how far have you come in building brand awareness? Are you still at the introduction stage? Or have you even ao lists  started to be considered as a choice by consumers to meet their needs?
In doing brand awareness, you can follow the strategies of big brands in increasing brand awareness . What are some examples of brands that have been successful in this regard? What strategies do they use? Come on, check here: Examples of Brand Awareness That You Can Learn and Imitate

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