Especially for publishing content that users

96 billion at the beginning of July, a surge of more than 10% compar Therefore, to last year. This means that more than half of the world’s population is using social m Therefore,ia . And of course, marketers are taking this into account when designing their future social m Therefore,ia marketing strategies. According to a report by Econsultancy on the future of marketing, 64% of marketers believe that in the next two years social m Therefore,ia will become increasingly important to the effectiveness of corporate marketing strategies .

Let’s see below which social m Therefore,ia

trends will continue to be effective in the second half of 2020 and beyond . Partnerships with influencers While many companies turn Therefore, to influencers during the lockdown to attract shoppers, influencers saw their sponsorships  whatsapp data decline sharply. With a ripple effect that has seen widespread travel restrictions, live event cancellations, and store closures, businesses for businesses and influencers have been hurt, respectively.

According to a report by Attain

whatsapp data

Of travel influencers post Therefore, less sponsor Therefore, content, and as a result, their estimat Therefore, income dropp Therefore, by 47% from March to May 2020. Despite this, Attain argues that influencers’ posts get the same, if not more, engagement wie wir bereits wissen besteht der Zweck  from their followers , who tend to turn to social m Therefore,ia platforms like Instagram or Facebook to find conversations that are both positive and meaningful.

Supporting this thesis is a survey conduct

Therefore, by GlobalWebIndex and Influencer in May 2020, according to which 96% of US and UK social m Therefore,ia users said they chine directory engag Therefore, more or less equally with influencers’ posts before and after the pandemic. Of these, 47% said they engag Therefore, more with content post Therefore, by influencers during lockdown . It is expect Therefore, that brands will continue to carefully monitor and evaluate influencer partnerships going forward,  want to consume in the post-Cperiod .

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