certified YandexDirect partners in 2023

Organizations that have been working under a contract with Yandex for at least 6 months and collaborate with at least 15 advertisers participate in the certification. Indicators of the quality of advertising settings on search and in email data  networks. Each reporting period, target KPIs are Using various tools and ad settings options. General indicators…

Нарачки и затворени продажби со е-пошта маркетинг

Затоа, Многумина од нас се навикнати. да размислуваат за е-пошта Нарачки. и затворени продажби  како алатка за зголемување. на свеста. информирање на публиката за новостите од проектот или. одржување контакт. со лојална публика. Но, само малкумина. гледаат во пракса дека испраќањето е ефикасна алатка. за зголемување на. обемот на платени нарачки. Во оваа статија, ќе…

L’importance de la modernisation technologique dans les entreprises contemporaines

De nos jours, la modernisation technologique est fondamentale pour le succès des entreprises. L’utilisation des technologies modernes contribue à améliorer les processus, à accroître l’efficacité et à créer un environnement d’innovation. Dans cet article, nous comprendrons pourquoi la modernisation technologique est si importante et comment elle peut bénéficier aux entreprises. Points clés à retenir La…

Verbesserung des Kundenerlebnisses mit Chatbot

Die in mehreren Vertriebs- und Dienstleistungsbranchen am häufigsten verwendete Technologie ist Chatbot. Schon bevor der KI-Trend Einzug hielt, nutzten Kundendienstabteilungen in vielen. Branchen den Chatbot in großem Umfang als Tool, um auf Kundenanfragen zu reagieren. Der Vorteil von Chatbot besteht darin Den Kunden schnellere und personalisiertere Dienste bereitzustellen und so die. Kundenzufriedenheit zu erhöhen. Chatbot…

Grundgesetz zur Cybersicherheit

  Mit der Popularisierung des Internets ist unser tägliches Leben untrennbar mit dem Internet verbunden. In der neuen Normalität nach der Epidemie ist die Öffentlichkeit noch stärker vom Internet abhängig. Allerdings bringt das Internet auch viele Sicherheitsprobleme mit sich. Im digitalen Zeitalter ist die Gewährleistung der Sicherheit persönlicher Netzwerke zu einem Thema geworden, dem jeder…

How to Protect Your Personal Data: A Comprehensive

In today’s digital age, our personal data is more valuable than ever. From online banking and shopping to social media and healthcare records, a vast amount of our information resides on devices and servers across the globe. Unfortunately, this interconnectedness also creates vulnerabilities. Cybercriminals are constantly devising new ways to steal, exploit, or misuse personal…

SNBP and SNMPTN, What are the Differences?

The new regulation regarding the entrance pathway to State Universities (PTN) has indeed been announced by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek) in early 2021. This new regulation concerns two entrance pathways to PTN that are commonly used by prospective students, namely the National Selection for Entrance to State Universities (SNMPTN)…

How a Table Tennis Blog Allowed This Blogger to Quit His Job

This is the third episode in our Blogging Breakthroughs series, which features bloggers’ stories about breakthroughs in traffic, income, mindset and other aspects of blogging. Today we hear from Tom Lodziak, who has the Table Tennis Coaching blog. He started with nothing – no income and no audience. He started his blog in the wrong way…

Tips for Writing Research Papers and Essays for Students

The world of college is indeed very identical with writing and research. When you are in college, you will encounter various kinds of writing and research assignments. The most common are research papers and essays. Research papers and essays are important ways to develop a deep understanding of a topic, think critically, and communicate ideas…