So yesterday your 31DBBB Challenge was to brainstorm 10 posts for your blog (you could come up with more, but 10 was the minimum!) and today we will be building on that – developing an editorial calendar.

This is going to serve as the next week of content on your blog. Ultimately these two exercises will get you on the road to setting up a publication schedule you can carry on, specifying what kind of content you’ll publish on what days.

If you already have an editorial calendar, I recommend you use this day to review it – how has it been working? Check in your stats to see if your most popular posts are being scheduled on your biggest traffic days. How have the comments been? Have the posts been resonating with readers? Have you enjoyed writing them?

In today’s episode I outline what I think are the benefits of editorial calendars, and briefly touch on some of the tools you can use to do so – but really, what I’m ultimately encouraging is just a simple calendar you can use for the following week. I’ll take you through the steps I use to develop mine.

Feel free to share your editorial calendar in the comments On todays show notes. Don’t forget to tune in tomorrow for a new topic.