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5 key lists that every email marketer should build

In a recent article published on July 20th called “How to Be a Better Email Marketer “, I mentioned that we must and need to build better email lists if we expect our Internet marketing machine to work well today, tomorrow and in the future.

A great email marketer is one who sends the right message to the right person at the right time. In other words, relevant messages.

Here are 5 lists that you should work on to maximize segmentation, personalization and individualization: RELEVANCE.


What are they?
The term Lifecycle in marketing refers to the way you 5 key lists communicate with your contacts – from their first point of contact to the end of their lifespan as a paying customer.

Lifecycle segmentation helps you track contacts based on the lifecycle stage they are in. This typically includes a list of marketing blog subscribers, leads, marketing qualified leads, customers, and evangelists.

Why are they important?
Lifecycle segmentation is the framework for defining why you are sending an email, who should receive it, what you want them to do, and how you are going to measure its success.

So how can this type of segmentation help you build better email marketing messages?

Most of the new leads you generate will not be ready to buy your product or service. More precisely, 73% of your leads will not be ready to buy when they are first generated.

Your job is to educate and provide value to these leads usa email list 30 million contact leads  to generate interest in what you do or sell. And email is one of the most effective ways to nurture leads.

usa email list 30 million contact leads

Successful companies recognize

That their job isn’t done once someone makes 5 key create content with good quality lists  a purchase. Marketing and sales are just the by lists first touchpoints your company has with an end customer. So the lifecycle is also about making sure customers see value  in working with your company.


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