Ecommerce Case Study. WearMe: From 0€ to 1 million

Today I want to talk to you about an ecommerce marketing. Case study that is truly worthy of being called such: WearMe Babywearing . For about four years I worked for this brand. That literally “took flight” . I want to talk to you about it precisely to show you that it is possible. To obtain excellent results when you build an effective marketing ecosystem based on data analysis.

Before telling you what I did for WearMe , however. I would like to briefly explain where it came from and what it does, in case. You haven’t yet had the pleasure of coming across this extraordinary reality .

The story of WearMe Babywearing
The story of WearMe begins with a mother, Virginia Scirè . After the birth of her second daughter, Virginia discovered babywearing. A precious practice for carrying your children in a sling or with a baby carrier. From that moment on, she became so passionate about it that she began. To train and wanted to dedicate her life to the dissemination of “carrying”. In 2015, Virginia founded a community of babywearing. Mothers and from there began her journey towards achieving what WearMe is today.

“WE CREATE WEARABLE CUDDLES TO EMBRACE A BETTER WORLD. Our garments are born from respect: for you, for your children, for the environment and for ourselves.”
This is the mission of WearMe , the first Brand in Italy for 100% Made in Italy production.

wearme growth in 4 years

Results 2018 – 2022 (it is written in Spanish because I live in Barcelona :)) )
In October 2022, as I write this case study, the Brand is approaching the high season with the previous year’s turnover already in the bank, with the aim of generating its first million in 2022 .But it wasn’t all “roses and flowers”! I’ll tell you the whole story in detail now.

Situation 2018
Virginia and I met in 2018. Her story is that of an entrepreneur with years of hard work behind her, but little satisfaction. We met in a moment of “failure” and “rebirth”: the old company died and WearMe babywearing was born, a project driven “from below”, strongly desired not only by her, but by the entire Community of babywearing parents, who in 2018 financed – by purchasing in pre-order – the first prototype of the 4-in-1 Babywearing Jacket.

In 2018, the first big goal is achieved, that is, validating the product on the market . Thanks to the success of the first pre-order, Virginia can finance the company and allocate a small advertising budget. At this point I come into play and I officially start working on the project.

Asking the right questions

To be able to respond to the public, it is essential to know it. For this reason I started asking myself the first four questions:

Who is the target audience? What are the objectives to be achieved?
What is the key message to communicate to the public?
In light of the objectives, what is the right promotion mix and to what extent and with what strategy will we use direct marketing, individual selling, discounts, advertising and information to convey this message?
What creatives and marketing materials should you design and produce?
The answers to these questions allowed me to analyze the ideal customer and identify the best platforms to advertise the brand.

In 2018, WearMe was a company of 3-4 people and the need was to focus on as few marketing channels as possible in order to optimize efforts and budget .

While Virginia successfully continues the relationship with her community and implements a migration from the Facebook group to Instagram, I focus on Email Marketing and Meta ads and start building the sales funnel .

Phase One: Build a Customer Acquisition Funnel

Meta ads and Email marketing are the perfect combination in terms of budget optimization. On one hand you buy targeted traffic, on the other you transform paid traffic into owned traffic, acquiring the email contact of your potential customers.

I built what in technical jargon is called a “ full funnel ” on Meta, setting up three types of campaigns:

aimed at an audience that was not yet familiar with the brand
remarketing campaigns to hit the target that interacted or visited the site
Conversion campaigns targeting people who viewed product cards or added products to their carts
At each step, the right marketing “lever”, the right creativity, the right offer.

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best seller
facebook wearme campaign results

WearMe results have always been amazing!

To make sure that the ads are effective, it is necessary to know how to analyze the data and identify the fears, desires and aspirations of our target. Only by finding the perfect synergy between audience and creative content is it possible to obtain great results.

This was also possible thanks to the valuable content that Virginia and her staff produced for the community in organic form. In this way I had access to a lot of material to rework for advertising tests. Even if at this stage of the company the content was decidedly AMATEUR, it did not prevent us from being effective.

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Here are some examples of content:

Seasonal photoshoots : the products have always been photographed while worn, in every season
Stories and video content : where you what does the future hold for display advertising in 2022? could see the product more “closely” and where the composition and possibilities of use were explained in detail
Free guides and discounts : these were the “ perfect lead magnets ” . What we offer our users to obtain their email contact in exchange is bx leads really important , because it lays the foundation for a solid relationship. The more “value” you offer at this stage, the easier it will be to convert later. The discount on the first purchase must be there in most cases, but often it is NOT enough to obtain a conversion. WearMe’s free downloadable PDF guides offered answers to the target’s questions by solving a problem . This allowed us to collect thousands of email addresses of potential customers at a low cost.

Email Marketing Automation:

The Four Email Flows Every E-commerce Should HaveTo get the whole email automation mechanism going, I focused on four fundamental flows , which immediately brought results. The flows in question were: Welcome Sequence, Post First Purchase Sequence, Abandoned Cart Sequence, Nurturing + Browser Abandonment Sequence.

Obviously the active flows are now definitely more and many others are in progress, but these first four have been fundamental for the correct start of the email marketing automation part.

Within these flows I inserted the story of Virginia and the products, exploiting storytelling and making readers fall in love with all of it.

Another thing I did related to email marketing was to migrate from Mailchimp to Klaviyo , a much more powerful tool for automation, data collection and analysis for ecommerce.

Here are the results obtained and the comparison with the previous year.
Phase Two: Surviving Covid and Quarantine!
For WearMe, 2020 was a year full of emotions.

Virginia develops a new flagship product, which will allow the Brand to “explode on the market” :

The 3 in 1 and 4 in 1 Wool Coats are born to carry (and not).Many entrepreneurs underestimate the importance of having GREAT products , without which, it becomes really difficult to get a brand off the ground: WearMe, however, does not make this mistake.

Convenience, quality and reuse of garments: this is the formula for success .

“During and after pregnancy, these are the starting points of our line of products that we carefully select for you, producing in the best Italian artisan companies.” .

The WearMe Coat is even more “revolutionary” than the Jacket, because there is NOTHING like it on the market in Europe!

Unfortunately, 2020 is also the year of COVID, and the company is facing a stop that brings it to its knees.

How did we react to the “Covid Crisis”?
covid crisis revenue chart
You can see it clearly: in the first part of the year, WearMe’s revenue had dropped compared to the previous year, growth had stopped, and the company was in the same situation as many others: in crisis.
As the saying goes, “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.”

We decided to do it like this: with patience, determination and VALUE . After the shock we stopped to think and tried to understand what we could do to “survive” the pandemic:

Patience : we have not turned off the advertising campaigns. On the contrary, we have continued to invest, slightly lowering the budget and reshaping the communication
Determination : we have never stopped talking to our community. Even if the development of the contents has adapted: live. One to one online consultancy, training meetings on Zoom, WhatsApp chat and enhanced customer service
Value: we created Value content, focusing on how babywearing could solve people’s problems in this difficult moment.

What were the results achieved?

All this has allowed the brand to remain alive in people’s minds and, once the lockdown period was over and the low season was over, the Brand recovered its entire turnover: + 67% compared to the previous year in just 3 months !

We have reached an unthinkable +67.67% in turnover!
Phase Three: Line Expansion and Reviews
“ It is easier to convert an existing customer and convince them to place a second order than to acquire a new customer. ”

So again: Virginia and I split the work.

She focuses on creating products to sell in the “low season”: here the Ribody was born, a body that stretches and covers up to 3 sizes with a single piece. At the same time, pregnancy and nursing shirts are created, made with the same fabric.

In the meantime, I have dedicated myself to creating strategies to increase the average receipt and build customer loyalty and, at the same time, to referral marketing . In this phase I have added:

Points collection system
ability to invite a friend and get points and rewards
new email marketing flows geared towards second and third purchases
time offers, upselling, cross selling and bundles
The Power of Reviews
Reviews are essential to gain the trust of new customers but also to retain those who have already purchased. In this phase I make another migration of tools: we abandon Fidelity and move to an app that allows us to exchange reviews with PHOTOS and discount coupons . This was the first of the important actions dedicated to improving the conversion rate of the shop .

What were the results achieved?

The expansion of the line with “evergreen” items and greater attention to reviews have led to an increase in turnover of 81.55% !

Amazing, right?
Step Four: Increase Your Conversion Rate
Between 2021 and 2022 we will begin to implement actions aimed at increasing the e-commerce conversion rate .

First, we offer a series of surveys to our customers where we ask their opinion about the navigation of the site and something about their experience with babywearing.

Some survey questions
Website improvement: more order and more useful information
In this phase I completely review the graphic layout of the homepage, the navigation menu and the category pages that I personally take care of.

Wearme Menu
Navigation Menu Layout
After completing these graphic arrangements, I took care of introducing a series of in-depth pages in the footer: Who we are, Our manifesto, How we work, Showroom.

Finally, together with Customer Care, I have strengthened a section dedicated to frequently asked questions , or FAQ.

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