Case of the company “UGMK-Telecom”

In early summer 2023, Alexey Krivoshein, co-founder of Tochno, was approache by the largest Russian telecom operator and information systems integrator in the Urals, UGMK-Telecom. The client was face with the task of hiring a marketing director .

Marketing as a function did not exist in the company at that time, but the company itself is already a major player in the market, and the business has ambitious goals: growth of X2 revenue in the next 3 years. We suggeste holding a strategy session, began to figure out what tasks the director should solve, and found out that in fact he is not need. And what is need – we tell in the article.

About the client

Since its foundation, the company occupied how to build phone number list its market without marketing support until the nee for development arose. Currently, UGMK-Telecom has four independent business areas. In order to understand complex processes and build marketing from scratch, the company’s leaders decide to find a strong director who would formulate a strategy and direct the entire team.

Why the task turned out to be difficult

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The company held interviews, which were attend by different people with a salary range from 300 thousand to 1.5 million rubles per month. Each of them was a serious expert with a large background in marketing and offere their vision and approach. But there was no experience in selecting a marketer, and a problem arose – how to understand which specialist is more suitable?

To do this, it was necessary to answer several questions:

Will one person be able to rebuild processes that have been created over the years?
but is it necessary?
It turned out that the company’s leaders did not have a unifie opinion, so we immediately exclude the option of “just helping to hire this person” and decide to figure out what the company really need.

How to conduct a strategy session

A guide for those who consider a strategy session as a tool for business growth  from the founders of the company “Precisely.
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The first stage of our work is a team briefing.

Each business unit of UGMK-Telecom has its own structure and direction leader. These are separate products and different sales channels. Why is it dangerous to hire a director in such a situation?

Each expert relies on his experience and kreiranje teksta sa chatgpt tries to integrate similar tools into a new company. And here the roulette begins: either his competencies coincide with the business objectives, and the strategy will work, or the director will simply disappear into business processes and operational work and will not be able to realize his potential. What will the company lose money for an expensive and really cool specialist, time and resources to search for another solution.

Alexey Krivoshein

To find this solution, we called the unit teams one by one over the course of a week. And then the company’s TOP team. We delved into customer research: we divided the audience into segments, gained an understanding of what pain points the products address, how people make decisions, and what path they take from first contact to purchase.

What we got as a result of the briefing:

By structuring the information in awb directory this way. We synchronized the team at the very beginning of the strategy session day. It immediately became clear how the leaders understand the development of units, and how the TOP team understands it. Where the vision coincides, and where it does not.

Example from the general table for all business units
Strategy session: meeting with the TOP team
We gathered 4 key managers for a face-to-face meeting with the marketing team. We showed how we structured the needs of all business areas using a mind map – and they transparently saw their work and the work of other units.

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