Pasha Molyanov with an

I joke about my specialty: I am the only copywriter and marketer in the agency who does not write and does not do marketing. And my list of completed trainings does not include a single one on copywriting. There are some marketing-related ones – a couple of SMM courses, but this is just pampering, I just wanted to be closer to my favorite bloggers, from whom I bought these courses.

I am very skeptical about training and courses. Probably because I have completed more than 100 different programs, but it was not the courses themselves that helped me, but my approach to learning.

In 2014, I got into digital marketing.

I was working as an English tutor, and I got an order: I needed to translate the Traffic and Conversion Summit conference into Russian. There was no AI back then. Several recordings for 4–8 hours, and I fell in love with funnels, lead magnets, analytics. It came to about 45k a month.

What happened from 2015 to 2022 in brief: I ran my own blog on a social network with photos, grew to 25k subscribers, was engaged in the promotion and consultation of micro-businesses, specialists. Among the significant projects was work with NewSchool, organizing trips and trainings to improve the quality of life. There I received powerful growth as a project manager. Powerful growth on life-giving trindyuli.

My resume is varied and inconsistent:

– a resale platform where I was involved in email distribution, photo shoots and even worked as a stylist;

– micro-businesses that never have money for advertising: I brought in clients, set up processes so that this flow would not end with my departure;

– specialists and their social networks: I created content marketing, or rather a canvas, according to which the specialist himself continued to work without me. There was a realtor, a drawing studio, a guide to St. Petersburg, and psychologists;

– managed channels in Telegram as a ghostwriter;

– I managed three months in one online astrology school and two weeks in another. It was a nightmare chaos. I stayed purely for the money and interest in the topic;

– wrote advertising texts, edited landing pages, and even once rewrote a course on sales on Avito. Orders were constantly coming through word of mouth, I had never set foot on the exchange.

In March 2022, I became interested in Tenchat.

But each time something didn’t work out.

And at the end of October 2022, I receive an assignment from my coach:

reset, erase my ideas about myself and find a job as an assistant, do all sorts of routine work for a person whose business and approach to life I like. Literally that same day, Pasha posted an ad for a personal assistant. And here I am, writing about the life of Pasha’s assistant.

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