How to Grow Your Blog by Interviewing Influencers

Posted By Jerry Low 6th of September 2016 Blog Promotion, Writing Content  0 Comments

By ProBlogger Expert Jerry Low of Web Hosting Secrets Revealed.

Regardless of your particular industry, you likely created a blog in order to draw attention and traffic to your brand.

A blog is one layer in a broad cz leads spectrum of inbound marketing techniques used to build momentum for a business. The ways that you utilize your blog to make an impression may vary, but the one thing you don’t want to do is become attached to strategies that have grown redundant (either for your blog, specifically – or for the blogosphere in general). 

An effective way to generate the interest of your readers is to conduct periodic interviews with influencers in your industry. Doing this may not only stimulate the appeal of your blog to your current followers; it could also broaden your audience in ways that you never dreamed were possible. The following tips should help you to gain a clear sense of how to leverage your blog with influencer interviewers that will keep your readers coming back for more.

Why an Interview?

At this point, you may be ambivalent updated 2024 mobile phone number data about whether you really need to offer an interview on your blog. How could this type of content actually improve and grow your site?

As Hamlin School Director of Public Relations Daniel W. Polk puts it, “You create a personal connection with your guest speaker.” 


An interview is a great way to network with influencers and build readers’ trust.

You also have a chance to educate your audience about objectives that you wish to accomplish within your own community. Mr. Polk is a social philanthropist who places an emphasis on global citizenship. In his interview with .ABC News anchor and author Dan Harris, Polk discusses the topic of mindfulness because it was explored in Mr. Harris’ recent bestseller. This is also a subject that would probably be of interest to the readers of Mr. Polk’s blog. In this fashion, you might interview an influencer in your own industry – and you can lead a discussion that should be compelling to your audience. If the content is compelling enough to engage the minds of your readers, they could share your interview on a wide range of social media platforms – and that is how your blog might grow exponentially.  

Identifying the Right Influencers to Network 

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Now that you have an idea of how much potential an interview may offer in terms of helping you to grow your blog, you will need  to think about which influencers may be of the most value to your blog and your brand.

Examples of influencers may include authors who have written on topics that concern your readers, as well as professionals in your industry who have experienced great success. Any person who might exert influence over the opinions formed and decisions made by your readership could serve as a viable choice for an influencer interview.   


Your next interview guest in the blogging niche?

Your primary objective should be finding someone who will appeal to your audience and who is relevant to your mission.

Social media is your best friend

An efficient way to find the right rəqəmsal marketinq tələbələri, məhsul qarışıqlarının təhlili haqqında influencers to network is to search for them on social media. You might cull a wealth of prospects worth considering on a single Facebook page, including Entourage actor Adrian Grenier, e-commerce pioneer for the fashion industry’s Federico Marchetti, and even Facebook’s own COO, Sheryl Sandberg. Since online users turn to social media for a broad range of purposes (such as meeting new people, staying current on the news, and seeking peer reviews of products and services), utilizing social media influencers makes perfect sense for countless bloggers.

According to Tech Crunch contributor Polina Haryacha, companies at a global level have now recognized the sheer marketing power of influencers on YouTube. You could locate influencers via YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn. Just be sure that the person you choose is someone who will help showcase your goals and your brand.


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