Namun, kesalahan umum dalam penggunaan BMC harus dihindari agar strategi bisnis dapat dijalankan dengan efektif dan efisien. Referensi : Sumber dari buku : Wiji Nurastuti & Agung Bayu Dewanto.(2023). Lingkungan Bisnis. Omera Pustaka. Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur. (2010). Business Model Canvas. (T. Clark, Ed.). New Jersey: john wiley & sons, inc Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur. (2019). Business Model Generation. PT. Elex media KomputindoFlexibility and scalability are the main keys for businesses to grow and innovate in the digital era. , is here as the right solution to answer these needs. Cloud computing is an advancement in information technology that offers services and products tailored to user needs.

The development of innovative ideas for new internet services now does not require large investments in capital or high human resource costs to manage them (Andriani, 2013). Cloud computing has several advantages as follows. Flexibility The flexibility of cloud computing refers to the ability to access and use computing resources, storage, and applications dynamically and as needed. Cost Savings Businesses that use cloud computing can save on IT infrastructure costs, such as software costs, server purchases, and maintenance.

Cloud computing with all its advantages

 In other words, businesses only need to pay for what they use, so they don’t need to spend a lot of money up front. Increase various data and application access from anywhere and at any time. This can certainly help businesses increase employee productivity because it allows for more efficient collaboration. Enhanced Security Cloud computing offers a high level of security by using advanced encryption and access control technologies. This helps protect business data from security threats.Cloud computing can be applied in the business world for purposes such as data storage and data analysis. Data stored in cloud storage allows the stored data to be more secure and easy to access anytime and anywhere. Then the data can also be processed for analysis through the cloud data analysis services offered. In addition to being related to data, cloud computing can also be applied for software testing. Businesses can take advantage of cloud software development platforms to test and develop new applications more easily and quickly. Cloud computing has become an important driver of digital transformation in various industries. , cloud computing opens up new opportunities for businesses to grow and develop in the digital era.

With the various advantages offered

 Therefore, stepping into the future means being able to take full advantage of technology to achieve sustainable business success.Financial literacy is important to understand, especially when discussing the issue of inflation. This is because both are correlated with financial problems. Public awareness and sensitivity through financial literacy can help in recognizing and identifying inflation. People who do not have the skills in financial literacy will see inflation as just a price increase without knowing its specific impact. It should be noted that an increase in the price of one or two goods alone cannot be called inflation. However, if the price increase occurs continuously and results in an increase in the price of other goods, then this condition is called inflation (Bank Indonesia, 2020).

Productivity Cloud computing provides

 Understanding the concept of inflation is part of financial literacy that should be well understood by the public. Based on the results of research by the Katadata Insight Center (KIC), Indonesia’s financial literacy index reached 69.7 points on a scale of 0-100 points in 2023. This value has increased from 2020 which was 66.5 points. Although Indonesia’s financial literacy rate has shown growth over the past 3 years, this does not mean that literacy is no longer important to be echoed.Source: NaZMa Office (2024) Processed from Databoks The great development of technology requires people to indirectly understand everything well, including the financial aspect.