Business is increasingly digital

Do you remember the first days of the lockdown? One after another, appointments, events and fairs that had been scheduled for months disappeared from our diaries. Everyone was a bit disoriented. Many of the projects we were working on suddenly lost their meaning. An online competition with a trip as a prize, a team building event, materials for a trade fair… everything postponed to a date to be determined.

Then, week after week, we realized that we couldn’t just sit back and wait for better times. The world wasn’t collapsing (maybe). But everything was moving. Online.

Online, they organized aperitifs with friends

They looked for recipes, and they worked. Even the most traditional companies, those where Sales was done by salespeople with leather briefcases who clocked up kilometers, began to understand that they had to move into the digital world.

For us, it was certainly not news. If anything, a confirmation. So, working remotely and connecting with customers’ living rooms and kitchens, we carried out interesting projects.

Entirely digital communication projects, based on valuable content . Yes, because boring content does not become less boring if presented in a webinar. In fact, probably the opposite.

Online marketing and content marketing projects; SEO activities and more intense data analysis . But also ordinary business activities, traditionally analog, moved to digital: instead of brochures and booklets we produced videos and newsletters . Instead of gadgets for events, we took care of technical consultancy and communication materials for streaming.

Many companies, until a moment before hesitant and undecided about the development of their digital channels, have taken the challenge and given a vigorous boost, improving websites, starting content marketing campaigns, opening e-commerce.

An “emergency kit” for digital marketers

Our “emergency kit” includes SEO-optimized articles for your website/blog, video interviews, webinars, newsletters , social posts and digital advertising.

The only downside: it’s addictive, and it works great even post-covid . Because yes, meeting a client for lunch is another thing – especially if you eat well – but business is increasingly digital, and we don’t need a global pandemic to realize that.

Among the various types of content that you can produce for your digital channels are those for your blog-site .

What is an Editorial Plan (PED) and why do it?

In times of excitement, inspiration, and a little free time, it can seem easy to find themes and produce interesting and curated content. The long term is another story… usually lacking in time, energy, imagination, and direction.

The PED is our lifeline, the tool that allows us to stay focused on the goal, organize the work and monitor it. The tool that allows you to integrate your creativity and the usefulness of your content, in a solid long-term strategy. Usually this tool takes the form of a table or a set of tables, of which you will find an example here.

The 6 Fundamentals for Building an Anti-Seismic Editorial Plan
Set goals and strategy
Finding content
Make a time schedule
Create a Workflow
Monitor and optimize
Organize and archive
Objectives and strategy
As we have said many times and will never tire of repeating: if you are online to do marketing there is no room for loitering or showing off. Instead, there are clear objectives (and SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Calendarable) and the search for a way to achieve them, i.e. a bombproof strategy . Every choice you make must be functional to the objectives you have set for yourself and every action must correspond to a precise point of your strategy.

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How to Build Phone Number List

Contents: What do I write?

Even before the “what”, ask yourself “to whom” you are writing. To answer this question you must have clearly analyzed and kuwait phone number resource identified your target, you must have the image of your buyer persona printed in your mind and always imagine it in front of you while you tell them something or propose a product or service.

Furthermore, you will buy leads have to ensure that your buyer persona, through the experience with your site and your online communication, takes a journey (in jargon the “ buyer’s journey ”) that starts from awareness, passes through consideration and arrives at the moment of decision. For each stage of this journey you will have to provide relevant content.

In the awareness phase the user is trying to clarify his ideas and define his problem and his needs: here you will have to try to offer content of a more educational and informative nature .
Finally, in the decision phase , our lead (=potential customer) has decided how to solve his problem and is preparing to select a supplier. You can convince him that you are the right one, offering him content such as free trials, articles that explain the characteristics of your products and services, short free consultations, etc. ).
Look around, observe your competitors, listen to your target, empathize deeply with the needs of your buyer persona… and put a little creativity into it. Remember that each topic is made up of many aspects and can be looked at from numerous points of view! You can dedicate a content to each of these!

Establishing a time horizon in your editorial planning means two main things:

set deadlines , a timetable that allows you to organize yourself and avoid acting on the spur of the moment or “I’ll do it as soon as I have time”, easily losing control of the situation.
From this perspective, it is good to establish a frequency of content publication , which is adequate but realistic with respect to the resources you have available (time, people, skills). If you realize that you do not have the time or the adequate skills, instead invest in the support of freelance professionals or a structured agency that can fill the resources you lack.
Decide on which time frame to test a certain approach and certain contents, and monitor the results. This typology contemplates a broader time frame (6 months, a year, two years…) and deals with establishing more general and strategic goals, themes and tasks .
These are not two alternative approaches, but integrated aspects of programming over time.

Create a Workflow

Creating content is a complex activity that can be broken down into many smaller tasks. Identify them and divide them into different programmable moments over time and, if you don’t work alone, delegate them to collaborators.

Let’s take an example: writing a blog post. This activity can be broken down into:

Planning and management > project manager / strategist
Writing > copywriter (SEO oriented)
Editing (proofreading and optimization) > other copywriter / project manager / collaborators
Design > graphic designer / web developer or whoever manages the site’s content
Distribution > media manager / developer or whoever manages content on the site and the various social channels for sharing.
If you work alone or with fewer collaborators, you will have to cover more roles, but it will be useful to be able to schedule your editorial activities in individual slots.

If you work with a team, it will be important to adopt the right tools to manage collaboration flows, such as those integrated into a CMS (we use HubSpot ) or other applications, such as Trello, Slack, etc.

Monitor and optimize

The planning and management activity includes the analysis of the progress of the publications: do they work, are they found, are they seen? Are the materials downloaded? Which sharing platforms work best, where do the visitors come from, which keywords were most searched for? And so on.

Organize and archive

Finally, to make the workflow agile and optimize time and resources, do not underestimate the importance of organization and storage logic of materials. From creating an archive architecture to keeping folders updated, organized and easily accessible (by you and any collaborators). Up to the definition of a file naming system (for example: format – buyer’s journey phase – campaign – date).

Well, are you ready to put it into practice?

If you want, you can use our template, in which we offer you a strategic programming format for the long term and a specific and detailed focus for the editorial plan.

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