Simple syntax and a wide range of libraries and frameworks

Programming is an industry that is constantly changing, with new development technologies and trends emerging. It is difficult to predict what will happen to the market, but with the right approach and comprehensive analysis, it is possible. We will tell you about the five main development trends for the coming year. The number of companies…

Advertising targeting in Vkontakte: types and setup guide

Target is one of the most common online advertising options today. The key feature and advantage of this advertising method is that the advertisement will be shown only to the audience that the advertiser is in. This distinguishes the advertising method from other methods of promotion in social networks.  For example. Ordering advertising posts in…

How to Increase Reach in Instagram Stories

In this article, we’ll share tips from Instagram experts that will help you significantly increase your reach and audience engagement. Let’s get started!Instagram Stories not only help entertain, educate, and inspire your followers, but they also help your brand become more recognizable, increase engagement, and boost sales. So, you are at the very beginning of…

Marketing Plan Definition Method and Advice

C’est l’équivalent d’une boussole en pleine course d’orientation. D’un phare au milieu de l’océan. D’un GPS sur l’autoroute du succès. On parle du plan marketing : c’est le socle de toute stratégie marketing B2B. Cet outil est un fil conducteur indispensable, pour donner vie à la stratégie, choisir email data  les bons moyens à mettre…

certified YandexDirect partners in 2023

Organizations that have been working under a contract with Yandex for at least 6 months and collaborate with at least 15 advertisers participate in the certification. Indicators of the quality of advertising settings on search and in email data  networks. Each reporting period, target KPIs are Using various tools and ad settings options. General indicators…