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Discover Microsoft’s new Bing Chat

Before we begin, we would like to point out that Bing chat will allow you to communicate directly with the search engine , in a fluid, natural and direct way, resolving any possible doubts you may have or accessing the information you need in record time, in a much more efficient way.

Bing Chat is a new feature that allows you to communicate

with the search engine through a chatbot , in which you can directly write any questions or information you are looking for, receiving very complete, precise and detailed information in real time, just as if you were interacting with a human person.

And, just like ChatGPT, once you have made your query, the search engine will provide you with the requested information in a matter of seconds , immediately. In addition, it will present you with other questions related to the requested topic that may be of interest to you, and will include direct links to other overseas data sources that can provide you with a greater amount of related information.

You can use Bing chat from any device , not only from your computer, but also from your mobile phone, a tablet or even a SmartTV.

overseas data

One of the most notable features of this new tool is the ability

to create images from scratch , quickly and easily, without any complications.

This feature is called “ Bing Image Creator ” and will allow you to choose between 4 different but related images, choosing the most appropriate one based on what you are looking for. In addition, you will be able to add new elements to the provided image, allowing you to customize it to the maximum.

However, to be able to use the linkedIn stories: available in the netherlands from today Bing image creator you have to access it from the “Creative Chat” mode . Once inside, you will simply have to enter your Prompt or text that describes the image you want to obtain, which we recommend that you make as descriptive as possible, so that the image fits exactly what you are looking for.

Differences between Bing Chat and ChatGPT
Although both tools have many by lists similarities.


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