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Everything you need to know about Core Web Vitals

Google has introduced a number of essential metrics since 2020, called Core Web Vitals. The new essential metrics provide important quality signals to assess the website on various points. The metrics assess and optimize the user experience and monitor this continuously.

The Core Web Vitals focus primarily on the user experience

of the website. Starting in Q3 this year, Google will add the Core Web Vitals to the current ranking factors. For a marketer, it is therefore essential to take this into account.

For visitors to your website, it is important that your website loads quickly. Visitors can drop out of the process if it takes too long. This automatically results in less conversion. Delays within the purchasing process on a website can cause visitors to be distracted quickly, irritations arise because it takes so long or possible mistakes can be made. Mistakes can be made by text blocks that do not load quickly, which means that the user does not whatsapp data have the correct information or that the layout jumps. This can cause a bit of dissatisfaction. Especially on smartphones, this can lead to the process being interrupted and broken off.


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What are the three Core Web Vitals?

Google currently offers three different Core Web Vitals that deal with assessing, optimizing, and continuously monitoring the user experience. The Core Web Vitals are about loading (LCP), responsiveness (FID), and stability during loading (CLS). These aspects are all measurable. The aspects are:

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): the speed of loading a page is the main interruption when the website is not fast enough. According to Kas ir HubSpot? Definīcija, funkcijas, cenas, kam tas ir vislabākais Google, it cannot go fast enough. This Core Web Vital measures the loading performance of your website. Google looks at the moment when the largest visible element of the page is loaded.
First Input Delay (FID): users want to see if something happens on a website. This Core Web Vital relates to the interactive elements on a page. These interactive elements on a page must respond as quickly as possible. If a user does not see aol email list anything happening, a user can, for example, press the button multiple times and thus unnoticed have put the same product in his or her shopping cart 10 times. This can cause frustration.
Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): This looks at the shifts in the layout while a website is loading. When a user is about to click on something and it jumps, it can happen that the user ends up on a different page than intended. This can affect the positive user experience.

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