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Free Backlink Research Tool

A free backlink checker is one of the key tools of modern search engine optimization (SEO). It allows you to check the current state of a website in order to analyze the marketing strategy, identify its weak points and determine ways to improve it. Let’s figure out why it is needed, how it works and how to analyze the information it provides.

What is a website backlink checker service?

This tool allows you to detect all links leading to a site. The service automatically identifies the resources on which they are located and pulls up the following key indicators:

  • domain and page traffic;
  • time of existence;
  • number of keywords used for optimization;
  • number of linked domains;
  • total number of outgoing and backlinks.

One of the key functions of the tool is to split links into dofollow and nofollow. The first category includes those that allow search crawlers to go to your page, the second – those that block this function. Of course, the first ones will be more valuable for search engine optimization.

Checking backlinks of a website will also help you find broken pages. They respond to a request with a 404 error code or another signal indicating a technical malfunction. The value of links on such resources will be zero.

Services may have other additional functions, depending on the developer’s imagination and capabilities. You have access to specialized tools from MOZ, Ahrefs, The HOTH, Sitechecker, Neil Patel, and other companies. We updated 2024 mobile phone number data recommend trying several options to determine which one is right for you. Most of them offer a fully functional demo for a period of 7 to 30 days.

What are backlinks and why are they important for your website?

updated 2024 mobile phone number data



Backlinks are links that free backlink research tool lead from other resources to your site. For example, a blogger made a rating of the best places in the city that serve chocolate donuts. By specifying their URLs, he created backlinks to the coffee shop sites.

Why does this matter to businesses? Sure, the authority of a popular blogger can encourage people to choose this particular coffee shop over its competitor down the street. But that’s not all. In a few days, the pages in question will start to rise higher in search results.

Google uses a complex ranking system. The authority b2c fax factor plays a significant role in it. If many popular sites in certain segments of the Internet link to a certain page, their owners and administrators consider the content on it valuable and useful. Based on this assumption, search engines add a few points to it.

Therefore, it is very important to check backlinks to a website to find out how effective your promotion strategy is and what hidden potential it has. There is another reason to use this tool that should never be overlooked.

Some webmasters and SEO specialists began to abuse their knowledge of the principles of search algorithms. They began to buy hundreds of links on external resources, guaranteeing their sites sky-high ratings. And although formally there is no violation in this method of promotion, its ethics are questionable, because it rudely pushes aside those who put all their efforts into creating high-quality content.

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