So, take into account Facebook insights : thanks to this fantastic tool you can obtain demographic data and data on the purchasing behaviors of your page’s fans.
If you are completely new to Facebook Ads and want to know more, hurry up and read our guide.
To create your buyer personas you will need every little detail that makes them up such as:
Of course, launching into market research requires significant budgets that not all companies can sustain.
If you have spending mobile number list limitations, it’s good to know that there is a much cheaper alternative: Facebook.
Nothing can be left to chance and every piece, however small, is essential to complete the puzzle.
Whenever you go analyzing email conversion rates to outline a profile of an ideal buyer , you will need to be sure that you have available the personal
information, aspirations, reasons why they buy your product and know the right ways to reach your potential customer.
You’re probably wondering how to find such specific details to create buyer personas .
The answer is simple: by using a tool that we all use in our daily lives, namely Facebook .
When you create a personal profile on Facebook , you share a wealth of information with the entire world.
Through the Business Manager , specifically with the Audience Insights option , you will have the opportunity to gain access to multiple pieces of information about users, which you can use to effectively target your advertising campaigns.
To access Audience Insights, all you have to do is enter the Business Manager, open the “All tools” item and click on the item relating to the audience analysis function .
From here you can create a custom audience and view all the details related to your audience.
To get more accurate data you can also segment the data, using many different filters, the same ones you use when you create an ad.
How to Create a Custom Audience on Facebook
To avoid finding yourself in the situation text services of having to guess some details about buyer personas (which could upset the whole work) it is a good idea to start with a personalized audience, perhaps starting from an email list .
Typically, lists are made up of people who have already shown interest in your products or services, so they are the most effective method for outlining the traits of your ideal customers.
You can download your list as a CSV file and upload it to Facebook.
Do you have a profiled email database of your customers ? Hundreds of subscribers to your newsletter? Start with them .