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It’s Time for Us to Understand the Meaning of Augmented Reality

Hobbies and Entertainment
You can also use AR in various games and applications to provide a more engaging experience. For example, AR applications can display animated characters that interact with their surroundings. Very interesting, right? It’s Time for Us

4. Providing Additional Information It’s Time for Us
One of the functions of AR that is also no kuwait phone number library less important is to provide additional information about certain objects. For example, when you visit a tourist spot, the AR application can display information about the history or interesting facts about the place. Your travel experience will be more memorable and informative.

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Benefits of Using Augmented Reality in the Real World
Augmented Reality technology provides many benefits and advantages in various fields. Here are 5 advantages of using Augmented Reality:

1. Improve User Experience
AR can enhance the user experience by creating interactive and immersive experiences in real environments. This can help capture user attention and increase user engagement with a product or service.

2. Increase Efficiency and Productivity
In industries like medical or manufacturing, AR can help improve efficiency and productivity by visualizing information or instructions in a real-world environment. This can help reduce human error and increase work effectiveness.

3. Increase Training Effectiveness
AR can help improve the effectiveness of training by visualizing procedures or situations in a real-world environment. This can help make training more interactive and engaging, and help trainees understand the material better.

4. Improve Marketing
AR can help improve marketing by providing unique and interactive experiences for customers. This can help increase brand awareness and improve customer engagement.

5. Improve Analytical Skills

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AR can help improve analytical capabilities by providing additional information or visualizations in a real environment. This can help in better decision making and improve understanding of situations or conditions.


Jenis Augmented Reality
Augmented reality is a technology that continues to develop to meet various industrial needs. Until now, there are various types of AR that are commonly used in everyday life. Here are the most popular and frequently used AR.

1. Marker-based AR (AR Berbasis Marker)

This type of AR uses markers or visual codes as 2024 updated phone number database references to display three-dimensional objects. These markers can be images, logos, or certain patterns. When the marker is directed at the device’s camera, the AR application will display 3-dimensional objects according to the reference given by the marker .

Marker-based AR is typically used in mobile applications such as games or tour guides, where you can scan certain markers to gain additional information or experiences.

2. Markerless AR (AR Tanpa Marker)

Unlike marker-based AR, this type of AR does not require markers as references. AR applications will use image recognition technology to display 3D objects in real-world views. This image recognition can be done through the device’s camera, so that digital australia data objects can be displayed on physical objects around the user.

One of the advantages of using markerless AR is its flexibility in use. You don’t need to have a specific marker or follow specific instructions for use. You can also use this type of AR in various sectors, such as advertising, marketing, or industrial simulations.

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