Lead nurturing – The truth is that he likes you enough

They visited your website, read your blog posts or liked your social media posts.
They filled out a form to download free material or watch your webinar .
In short, they showed some kind of interest in your brand and the products/services you offer.
It’s a bit like when, as a kid, a friend would tell you ” I think he likes you .”
From there, if you were smart enough, the game of seduction could begin.

In Inbound Marketing jargon

Probably, he did it because it was free and it didn’t cost him anything. However, if – for example – he left you his email to watch your 30′ video tutorial on how to build a pool in the garden, it means that he probably has a garden, and is thinking of building a pool. Or he has a lot, a lot of time to waste ☺

Still in Inbound language, when there is a lead you need to do “ lead nurturing ”, an expression that we could translate into Italian as nourishing, or pampering, the contact.

Wanting to keep the metaphor of seduction, we are presented with different ways of acting to conquer our lead, transforming this vague declaration of interests into a long-term relationship.

Strategy 1 – In love, the one who runs away wins

That is, do nothing and wait for the other to “make the first move”

Also known as “if he/she wants, he/she can come forward”.

In the corporate world, it is equivalent to doing absolutely nothing, and waiting for the user to “take the next step”: spontaneously return to our site, pick up the phone to make an appointment, or go directly to our e-commerce or physical store to buy the product.

It can work, of course. It usually only works for the most beautiful person in school.
That is, if your brand is super-cool or you offer a service that no one else on the market offers.
Otherwise, you have to roll up your sleeves and do something to evolve the situation.

Strategy 2 – The Intrusive

That is, unleash the bombardment of emails, messages, posts on social media

As you may have already understood, it is the opposite strategy to number 1.
As soon as there is a minimal sign of interest, a thousand contact requests start on every possible and imaginable channel.
In interpersonal relationships, it is whatsapp, voice messages, hearts raining down on all social networks.

In the world of marketing, these are email blasts in which you propose and promise more and more, pushed remarketing, sales calls and requests for appointments. The goal is to ensure that our lead cannot fail to notice us, and receives a reminder of our presence every time they visit a website or open Instagram or Facebook.

It can work, and some people appreciate it. There is certainly no risk of being forgotten.
But the old adage “too much of anything is bad” also works.

The poor lead, bombarded with messages on every possible digital channel, may feel overwhelmed and even a little annoyed. Furthermore, receiving continuous offers and promotions, such as discounts or “super special offers just for you for 24 hours only” can convey the idea that you are willing to do anything to capture the new customer, even selling yourself short.

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Strategy 3 – Gentle courtship

We don’t know which strategy norway whatsapp number database works best in love (and this is certainly not the best place to talk about it). After all, we deal with digital marketing, not romantic relationships.
In our opinion, however, the buy leads Latin saying “in medio stat virtus” applies. Our leads need to be pampered a little, pushed into action a little. Without obsessing them. So as to make them move forward in the purchasing process.

Of course, you have to be kind and make it clear that the interest is mutual.

The “first appointment” with a lead that comes from digital is the thank you email .
Whoever fills out a form, perhaps to download a PDF guide or watch a video, even if they haven’t paid anything to do so, even if deep down we may consider them just a freeloader, is actually our potential business “partner”.

So, let’s thank them for their interest. Right away. With a thank you page when they fill out the form, with an email that accompanies our first communication with them. We look for a “warm” and confidential style, a personal and not too standardized approach, consistent with the tone of voice and the style of the brand.

Sending a second email right away can be annoying, but it can work if you are proposing something, such as a follow-up on an event, or with the goal of creating a community, such as “did you like our webinar? Join the closed group on LinkedIn to compare yourself with other participants”.
On the other hand, it would be advisable to get back to them within a week, otherwise there is a risk that our lead has already forgotten us or (worse), has chosen the competition.

What to write in the follow-up email?

It can be a “content” communication, in which we ask if they have read our guide and perhaps recommend other content related to what they have expressed interest in (a blog article, a video, a podcast, etc.).
Or, we can offer something, such as a free consultation, for example 30 minutes on Zoom.
You can also propose a special offer, but this must also be done carefully.

Available, yes, but not too much.
I mean, if you see a product you like online, and 4 days later you discover that you can have it at 40% off, what opinion would you have of that product?
Going back to the example of relationships, exposing yourself too much sometimes equates to devaluing yourself, giving the impression of being desperately looking for a partner.

Likewise, it is correct to send – for example on a weekly basis

– An email in which interesting content is highlighted (always segmenting the target in order to send truly useful and coherent content), just as obviously discounts, early bird offers, special packages and anything else that leverages the limited, time-limited, exclusive offer etc. work.

But, just like in love, you have to protect your dignity!

A substantial difference between romantic relationships and marketing? The former cannot be automated, the latter can

Sure, there are books and courses to please others more and conquer all women, but we allow ourselves to doubt that there are “automatisms” that can be applied indiscriminately to interpersonal relationships. In addition – at least in general – only one partner is enough, while there are never enough clients (or almost).

Fortunately, in digital marketing, technology is at our side

So welcome to marketing automation , that is, the set of mechanisms that allow us to automatically send emails to our leads, offering them profiled offers based on their characteristics and spread out over time.

If you have sent a CV in the last few years (if you haven’t, good for you because you don’t need it), you may have received a kind email like “Thanks Giovanni, we have received your application…”. Now, you can imagine that the company doesn’t have a diligent Human Resources manager who writes to all the Giovanni, Pino and Mario who send a CV. It’s email marketing automation, baby!

Also read our article on how to create an effective lead nurturing campaign !Ok, not the last one, that would be more from a horror movie than marketing automation.
But the gist is the same. The tools are there, and many are already using them. Maybe even your competitors.
The trick is to use them well.

Want to know more?

Download our guide to marketing automation , and tomorrow morning one of our collaborators will ring your doorbell at 6:50 to sell you our consulting services.
And he will make you an offer you can’t refuse 😉
We’re joking, of course. But maybe in 5 days you will receive an email asking you if you liked the guide.

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