Home » News » ‘LOCK’: Samsung’s TikTok series that “predicts the future of branded content”

‘LOCK’: Samsung’s TikTok series that “predicts the future of branded content”

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In 2024, where nothing seems to surprise us anymore, standing out on social media is becoming more and more difficult. Precisely, all (or almost all) of our current marketing strategies are planned under this premise. But, to tell the truth, “very few achieve results as strong as those of Samsung with its award-winning LOCK series for TikTok .”

As marketing agency Amedia Social reports , “producing an exclusive series for a social network like TikTok might have seemed like a crazy idea a couple of years ago.” Today, “the reality is totally different, with a generation increasingly alienated from traditional media, TikTok emerges as a lifeline for legendary brands looking to maintain their leadership at all costs.”

LOCK: The first horror series developed by Samsung for TikTok

In short, LOCK is a series conceived as part of Samsung’s disruptive and aggressive proposal to generate community on TikTok . This series, released in June 2022, focused mainly on Generation Z or “Target Z” as a target audience. For this reason, TikTok stood out as the perfect platform to achieve convincing results.

In fact, LOCK, recorded entirely with Samsung S22 Ultra devices , would mark telemarketing sms phone number lead the company’s first major coup on its newly created TikTok profile. The production of the series, as well as its distribution, was handled by BE A LION, a subsidiary of Mediaset.

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As expected, according to Amedia

Social , the series had to entertain, but maintaining how can you have internet in your car? several very clear objectives within its strategic plan for growth on social networks:

Build loyalty and increase Samsung’s relevance to Generation Z.
Create a strong community that will serve as the basis for new brand campaigns.
Encourage the purchase of Samsung devices by showing the aesthetic superiority of its camera.
Be a pioneer in the creation of content for TikTok and consolidate her authority figure on the platform.
Achieve brand positioning in america email everyday conversations through social media.

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