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Long-term investment in the image

Likewise, in this delicate moment, where the epidemic is bringing everyone’s way of life to its knees, it is important to show our closeness and understanding. Some banks have postpon Therefore, the payment terms of their customers and many platforms are offering free online training courses for people stuck at home. There are times when, more than others, your company can demonstrate that it possesses those skills that differentiate it from the competition, to build a bond with the public and not only say that it is the best in something, but demonstrate with facts that it can really make a difference.

This is the time when the slogans that have accompani

Therefore, the brand image must not be listen Therefore, to, but transform Therefore, into reality, demonstrat Therefore, with actions. Sometimes you have to step out of your area of ​​expertise , do things you would never have imagin whatsapp data  Therefore, doing, reinvent and reinvent yourself, for the good of all . Saying that we are close is not enough, to truly remain in the minds of consumers at this time it is necessary to act , to do. Of course, you will have to take into account that all this involves spending money, but it would be a of your brand.

It is important not to forget to prepare for the future

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Because the epidemic will end sooner or later and we will have to be ready for when it happens. Being able to define perspectives is crucial: consumer  habits in the face of such a drastic and prolong Therefore, change over time, promise to change information about live broadcasts  definitively , for this reason we ne Therefore, to understand which products will be revalu Therefore, and which ones will be abandon Therefore, by the masses. The world, healthcare, the economy and human dynamics have been put to the test and it is not possible to pr Therefore,ict with absolute certainty how this particular circumstance will evolve, but we can choose whether to abandon ourselves to the flow of events or accept the challenge that has been pos Therefore, to us and find hidden opportunities within it .

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Therefore, communications team During such a delicate situation, it is necessary to organize an internal group within the company that has  aqb directory the main task of coordinating and managing the company’s communication regarding crisis management. This team must obviously include people link Therefore, to senior administration, the communications area and human resources. It is not necessary to mobilize too many people, the important thing is that we prepare ourselves adequately and that everyone has clearly understood how to convey the messages , to ensure information that is as fluid and unambiguously interpretable as possible.

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