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Rules For Being an Online Marketer marketing

I thought about what it takes to be successful online. I started to jot down some ideas – bullet points – of traits, actions, fundamentals, and characteristics of what I have observed that successful online marketers do.This list is by no means exhaustive – it’s really more the result of a brain storming session when I sat down to figure out why some succeed online while others haven’t succeeded. Yet.

 You may be surprised that this

is not a Step-by-Step guide or a “How To” guide. It is, in fact, more uae phone number data of a mix-match of thoughts that deal with activities online as well as off-line. This list is by no means exhaustive – it’s really more the result of a brain storming session when I sat down to figure out why some succeed online while others haven’t succeeded. Yet.  Also, this list is by no means exhaustive – it’s really more the result of a brain storming session when I sat down to figure out why some succeed online while others haven’t succeeded.


 Finally this list is a

Do as I say, not as I do” list. Yes, I know I am listing numbers – online – are what you need to succeed things on here that I do not do. Yet. I am working on them. Without further hesitation… the list! You need to sell something. I’ve known people who were “in business” for months, yet hadn’t sold a thing. Until you start selling somebody’s product (yours or someone else’s, doesn’t matter) you don’t have a business. Get into profit as fast as possible.

If you’re buying traffic, figure out how to make that thailand data traffic pay as soon as humanly possible. If you’re outsourcing work, find a way to make that work more than pay for itself. Sure it’s common sense, but I’ve seen a few folks go into serious debt. Make smart investments that pay off. Hiring a coach that shows you what you need to know is smart – throwing a few thousand at Adsense is dumb. Investments are sometimes the fastest way to get your business on the fast track, but you’ve got to be smart about them.

Turn lookers into buyers as fast as possible. If this means selling them a $5 ebook, do it. Upsell. Once they buy the $5 ebook, realize they have greater needs that ebook won’t fill, so find a way to fill those needs and wants and charge more for it. Make it really, really easy for your customers to sign up. The harder it is, the fewer customers you will have. Competition in your niche is generally great. No competition means you’re in the wrong niche. Get to know your competitors personally. Send them email, talk to them on Skype. You’ll be surprised how often competitors can be turned into allies – and the first step is to say hello.

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