Home » News » Time for a glass of wine? Something positive happens when a couple drinks alcohol together for a long time

Time for a glass of wine? Something positive happens when a couple drinks alcohol together for a long time

They looked at more than 4,600 couples who participated in a long-term study of American people over 50, who filled out a questionnaire every two years, asking them to indicate, among other things, how much alcohol they drank per week

And something remarkable emerged. “We found that couples who drank alcohol in the past three months lived longer than the other couples, who either didn’t drink or only one of the couples drank,” says researcher Kira Birditt of the University of Michigan. It also found that both partners lived longer if they both drank lightly or moderately, compared with couples who both drank heavily or not at all. Account was taken for things like heart disease or diabetes, which can influence alcohol use and its consequences.

Together is better than alone

It is not clear why drinking together leads to a longer life, while this does not apply to individual alcohol consumption. One possible explanation is that it is good for the relationship to occasionally have a beer or a glass of wine. But conversely, it could also be that equal alcohol consumption says something about how well the lifestyles fit phone number library together and how satisfied people are with their relationship. In any case, it shows that partners have a great influence on each other’s well-being. “We have also found in other studies that couples who drink together have a better relationship and that could be because it increases intimacy,” Birditt explains. In general, a good relationship is beneficial for health and you could think: the more you share, the better it is, so something like having a drink together can also have a positive effect.

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Drunken fights

It is not the first time that the influence of drinking together has been studied, but usually it concerns the differences in alcohol Kas ir HubSpot? Definīcija, funkcijas, cenas, kam tas ir vislabākais consumption. As early as 1998, a study was published that showed that drinking habits influence relationships. Especially if one person ar numbers drinks a lot more than the other, this often leads to fights and tension. “The majority of the research looked at younger couples and heavy drinking by one of the couple. This showed that people are then less satisfied with their marriage, have more conflicts and break up more often,” it says.

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