Copywriting market in Ukraine

“The big gap” – this is what finally happened on February 24, 2022 in the previously joint Russian-Ukrainian marketing space. It was sharp and painful, like tearing through living tissue interlaced with capillaries. There could be no customers/employers and clients/employees from Russia. How could there not be common platforms for sharing experiences, courses, conferences, etc.

On the other hand, now

when the year 2023 is coming to an end, we can confidently talk about our own “alive and healthy” Ukrainian marketing space, and the copywriting  telegram database users list market as its inseparable part. But for successful business activities, both specialists and customers/employers need a deep understanding of this new market. Who uses the services of Ukrainian copywriters? How are prices for commercial texts formed? Where can you find a good specialist? How has the emergence of AI and the rapid growth in demand for English-language content affected the market? Answers to these and other questions in our review!

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For whom did February 24, 2022 cause the most stress?

There was practically no stress for Ukrainian customers/employers. Because if they lost their permanent performers/employees, they were able to quickly find not worse, but even better ones. Moreover, a sufficient number of copywriters were able to immediately reorient themselves to the production of high-quality Ukrainian-language commercial content instead of Russian-language .

Stress was not very significant even for middle-level specialists

Already two or three months after the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion, Ukrainian copywriters were surprised to find that they were starting to receive orders again. Another thing is that you have to work in completely different conditions. Many were forced to leave their homes and set up a work space somewhere in a new place. Some were in close proximity to the front line, and tried to concentrate for work under the constant sounds of explosions and shots.

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Ukrainian business

The greatest stress was for newcomers and for a certain part of specialists of the highest rank, namely for those who provided services to monetary certified yandexdirect partners in 2023 Russian customers. Why was there stress for newcomers? What did the Russian market give them? First of all, these are content exchanges, such as eTXT,, Advego, etc. Such sites allowed novice copywriters to fill their hands (and cones), although they offered practically pennies for it. Leaving the exchange, the newcomer had basic skills and a compelling portfolio. In Ukraine, attempts to create content exchanges have so far failed. Obviously, such projects require too much financial and marketing resources.

Until now, it is extremely difficult for novice Ukrainian copywriters to take their first steps in the market

There are almost no chances for successful independent promotion of your services from scratch. For example, on freelancer exchanges such as Freelancehunt, and Kabanchik, the rating and number of positive bgb directory reviews are important in the eyes of customers. Customers/employers immediately ask for portfolios and sometimes recommendations based on ads on and, as well as on social networks.

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