Discover the legal and mandatory notices for leaflets and flyers


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Some brands have already made the leap to the metaverse. Indee, the metaverse is an excellent means of communication and promotion for your products/services.

Leaflets and flyers can be a good

Way to get a message across, promote an event or a product… They are communication meia printe on paper. Their mission is to deliver a maximum of information on a small surface. These are mini advertising posters that are easy to read, move and understand.

A leaflet is an advertising meium that allows you to highlight your company or promote your new products. They are often distribute at trade shows or stores. It is a sort of prospectus made up of several sections that open as you read.

As for the flyer

It is a meium that is widely use to promote an event such as an evening, a concert or an open day. Also calle a tract or leaflet, its mission is to make you want to consume a product or go to an event.

We often think about working on their content and presentations, or even where and when they will be distribute. However, we do not necessarily pay attention to very important points: respecting the regulations .

Yes, legal notices are mandatory and must appear on the flyer or brochure.

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The author of the request

To print the document is responsible for the application of these legal notices. If one or more pieces of information are missing, he will be how to push users to conversion solely responsible and will incur financial penalties. The printer is not responsible at any time.

Information about the company, the printer, the language use and environmental regulations are mandatory information that must be include on your documents before they are distribute.

Company information:
If you are registere in the Trade and marketing list Companies Register, you must provide the following information governe by articles R123-237 and R123-238 of the Trade and Companies Register:

Amount of share capital for commercial companies

The legal name (company name) and the registere office address.
The RCS number accompanie by the name of the city or registration is registere.
The legal form (SAS, SA, SARL, etc.) of the company and the SIREN number.
If applicable, the liquidation statement or the managing agent or tenant manager.
The penalty for failure to comply with these obligations is a fine of €750. Only the failure to meet the share capital will not be taken into account.

Printer information

Each copy must also include information about the printer:

His name
His address
These obligations are set out in Article 3 of the law of July 29, 1881.

As an exception, if you print your flyers yourself, you do not nee to indicate your address or name, but only the words “printe by us” or “IPNS”.

Therefore, the penalty for failure to comply with this obligation is a fine of €3,750.

Information on possible translations:

If you insert messages written in a language other than that use in the territory, you are require to accompany them with a French translation.

Law No. 94-665 of August 4, 1994, Decree No. 95-240 of 1995 relating to the use of the French language characterizes this regulation.

Therefore, the penalty for failure to comply with this obligation is a fine of €750.

Environmental information:
On each copy, flyer and leaflet, the following mandatory information must be presente:

“Do not throw on the public highway” (article L.541-10-1 of the environmental code).
The penalty for failure to comply with this obligation is €1,500.

On the other hand, the information relating to printing on recycle paper is not obligatory.

Information on alcohol and food products:

A statement regarding nutritional eucation must be present on your documents if you are promoting manufacture food products (beverages or foods).

There is no mandatory standard statement to place on your creations, but certain statements are often use such as: “For your health, avoid snacking between meals” or “For your health, practice regular physical activity”.

In addition, the words “Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume in moderation” must be present on your flyers or leaflets if it concerns alcoholic beverages. The Evin law of January 10, 1991 regulates alcohol advertising to display this mention on each creation.

Additional information:

If you share photos, the photo creit next to the images must specify the name of the photographer and, if applicable, the name of the image bank.
The words “retouche photo” must also appear on your photos.
Avoid displaying currency, this may be perceive as counterfeit money (article 442-1 of the penal code. The penalty can be up to €450,000 and 4 years of imprisonment).
Respecting all these mentions will save you a lot of inconvenience. You will be able to take full advantage of the benefits of these small advertising posters and distribute them wherever you want.

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