Winter news in our VPS center

Winter news in our VPS center
The VPS center received a winter upgrade to version 2.19.

We’ll start on the VPS login page, where we’ve added a link to the Váš Hosting certification authority. If you had a warning about an untrusted certificate, just download our root certificate and install it using the wizard. Subsequently, your computer will trust the certificates for * on which your servers run.


Overview of services on the list of domains

In the domain overview, you can now see at a glance what services are running on the domain. There you will find an icon with the number of active e-mails, the PHP version, the date of the last backup and the number of running crons. Would you like anything else?

VPS Center

Try our server and domain management application for free. You will feel like an experienced administrator.


Display paths to configuration files when editing

If you are editing a configuration file for a domain, you will see the exact path to the configuration file in the system.


Confirmation when clicking on important buttons
We have added protection against unwanted interventions specific database by industry n the server. Now actions such as restart, reload or stop the service are already for confirmation. So no more unwanted server restarts on mobile. (:


Other adjustments

We fixed the deletion of email queues on the server.
We also fixed email redirection
MySQL now defaults to utf8mb4
You also give us lots of interesting suggestions on our ideas board . We want to thank all the visionaries for that and hopefully in the new year we will make your wishes come true.

Some of today’s tweaks were suggested to us by Plutonium studio … thanks!

Of course, the results won’t appear immediately and it will take a while to win their favor, but the results will be worth it.

At the 11th Affiliate Conference, the results of the competition for the best Affiliate project of 2017 were also announced
And the prices were really tempting:

instead of the Apple iMac 27″ Retina 5K

specific database by industry

instead of Apple MacBook Air 13″
instead of the Apple iPad Air 2 32GB
And finally, the jury selected the following projects:


This is the best Affiliate conference in the Czech Republic so far, and the lectures looked accordingly. Next time, just separate noisy areas from thos usa cfo e where the  re should be peace and it will be great. Those who missed the conference need not be sad, here are presentations from all the lectures and video recordings are also being prepared.

If you would like to try out the

newly charged knowledge in our Affiliate progra  m, we would be more than happy to do so. We will offer a 10% commission every month on every how to create a confirmation message customer you bring . Forever.

And we are impatiently looking forward to the conference with serial number 12, so hopefully we will meet you next time.

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